Monday, July 21, 2008

Ministry Update

We’ve been going all out over the past few weeks with the Una Esperanza O.C. Kids ministry here in Orange County, California. Summer is when we typically have our hands full here in California and in Juarez, Mexico at the Una Esperanza children's shelter. We normally spend one week out of each month at Una Esperanza-Juarez and then return to our home base here in California to tend to the administration end of the ministry, and our focus turns to the local Una Esperanza O.C. Kids ministry.

During the school year we only have these local kids on the weekends, but the summer months afford us the opportunity to spend a great deal more time discipling these kids. We take them to church each week throughout the year, but during the summer months we’re also able to take them to a local beach for Bible studies, and our home is generally filled each weekend with these kids. It’s a real blessing watching some of them grow in their faith as a result.

Giving is typically down during the summer months, and this year is no exception. For this reason, we have not been able to go to Una Esperanza-Juarez in a while. We still have some staff issues to deal with in Juarez, so we do hope to get back out there soon. We’re confident that God will work everything out in His timing.

August will mark the one-year anniversary for us without an aircraft to use for our mission flights, and we just found out that the commercial airline we’ve been using this past year is going out of business September 1st. Its easy sharing the praise reports when things are going smoothly, but sharing the tough stuff can be difficult, to say the least.

Even though we don’t always see God's hand at work during our difficulties, we’re doing our best to stand in His goodness, His faithfulness, and His love in this and every situation. Please know that we covet your prayers. Please pray that God would be glorified through Kingdom Flight and that we would be faithful in all that we do.