Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

As we look back on 2007, we’re grateful for Gods constant faithfulness and provision! God has blessed Kingdom Flight in so many ways and while this past year had its share of trials and difficulties, God has been faithful. We’re excited to see what He has in store for us this coming year. We want to thank all of you who have taken part in what God is doing through Kingdom Flight and know that we could not do this without your help!

I’ve posted a New Video of our Christmas outreach on the website and we wish all of you a blessed and happy New Year!

Brad, Lesli, & Noah Bieganski

Monday, December 24, 2007

The Name above all names

Here we are on Christmas Eve, and I feel compelled to share with you something that God reminded me of yesterday while I was in church. We were singing a song that included the line, "Glorify Your Name, Name above all names," and this line really resonated in my heart. Why the big earth-shattering revelation with a line that we sing in churches quite a bit? Let me back-track a little for you.

We went shopping at the mall for a few Christmas presents the other day, and I came away pretty depressed. First of all, I felt so discontent. Normally, I'm pretty content with focusing on others' needs and not our own, but when there is so much excess and entire stores devoted to stuff no one really needs but stuff you "deserve" to have, it's easy to get caught up in the mindset of "I really want that, I need that..." It reminded me to guard what I let influence my thoughts and my heart. I'm not saying that it's wrong to give gifts at Christmas - I love giving gifts and making people smile, it's just the danger of buying into the lies that we must have these things to be truly happy. I think I need to re-read Randy Alcorn's little book, "The Treasure Principle", and re-focus on eternal values, not temporal ones. I highly recommend this book to anyone and everyone.

The other thing that really affected me was the emphasis on designer names. Whether walking into a department store or a specialty store, it was really hard for me to swallow the prices that were affixed to certain clothing, purses, shoes, furniture, etc. The inherent value that is added to something just because it bears a certain logo or name just astounds me. I'm all for purchasing items of good quality, but when there is social status or acceptance riding on that label name, it fails to be a good value and becomes a substitution to try to give us value in other's eyes.

It made me wonder if we give inherent value to the name of Jesus at this very important time of year, the very reason we give these gifts. Is He truly the Name above all these other names? Do we value Him more than a Louis Vuitton bag or a Tommy Bahama shirt? No intended slam against these particular names, just examples that came to my mind. His name will stand long after these names have faded into obscurity, and where we place our value will have long-term effect.

I guess yesterday as I stood there during worship time, I felt the need to declare my stance in this season, that I WILL regard His name as higher than all those other names and things that we think will make us happier or better people or more accepted among certain circles. I WILL fight my natural inclination to focus on myself and my family and put Him first.

I praise God that He chose to come in human form in a stinky, animal-filled manger, not the Ritz-Carlton. I praise God that shepherds and wise men had to seek Him out to find Him - his birth wasn't splashed across the cover of People magazine. May we still seek Him out in this special season and each day, and may we be delighed and filled with peace at what we find:

When He came, He gave us royalty,
When He came, He set the captives free;
He gave us life abundantly,
He came for you, He came for me.

When He came, He taught us how to live,
When He came, He taught us how to give.
He gave us power over sin,
He came, now we can live again.

A special day, the whole world changed
When He came.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Kingdom Flight Christmas Outreach 2007

We just returned from spending an entire week at Una Esperanza and it was an incredibly wonderful trip! This years Christmas outreach was our best ever! We had 25 people from three states participating and many people from Kilometer 33 were blessed by the two-day medical clinic and the children really enjoyed the special crafts, the games, and the Bible teaching by Jose Salviati (the youth leader from our home church). The children especially enjoyed receiving all the great gifts and everyone involved had a great deal of fun.

The goal for our toy drive this year was to collect 300 shoeboxes full of toys for the children of Kilometer 33 and we ended up collecting over 350 making this the best event ever!

Getting the toys across this year was very difficult to say the least but we were able to get them all to Una Esperanza in time for the event.

We’ve posted a photo gallery on our website of the event. It can be reached through our homepage or through the media page and I’ll also have a video posted online soon. Thanks to all of you who took part in this years event through your prayers, toy donations, and financial gifts!

Monday, December 17, 2007

We praise God for His favor and His faithfulness, especially over the last few days during our Christmas Outreach event. We met most of our teams from California and New Mexico for breakfast at 6:30 AM Friday and our day was filled with getting the toys across the border (always a story in itself!) and conducting the medical clinic (held in our new store building) and sorting and preparing the toy bags for distribution on Saturday.

Dr. Trinh, Dr. Henry, Julie and Brenda brought their teams of medical personnel and volunteers in and were such a blessing to the people of Kilometer 33 in so many ways. They saw and treated many people in real need of medical attention, and spent the remainder of their time playing with the kids and helping wherever we had a need. We all had a lot of fun, and a lot of people were blessed. Jose and his daughters, Jordan and Sierra, came along and Jose gave a great message to the kids, encouraging them to give back to God, not just receive from Him.

We were blessed with cold, but clear weather, and despite temperatures in the 30s to 40s, we were able to hand out over 325 Christmas bags, 12 backpacks filled with clothes, pajamas, shoes, school supplies and toys, as well as countless stuffed animals. Smiles were abundant, and we thank you all for your involvement and your prayers for this event and for our safety. We fly home this morning, so more details to follow later.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Season's greetings from Mexico, or I guess I should say Feliz Navidad! The kids have been busy decorating their gift bags, and we have paint everywhere. Can anyone compete with our Christmas tree (see above)? The fact that it's in the middle of the chicken coop and beside the clothes line adds to the charm and ambience.

We arrived Monday and have been spending time with the kids and preparing for the rest of the team, most of which will arrive tonight. We'll all meet for an early breakfast in the morning and then head to the ministry center, where we will have the free clinic in the new store building and will prepare the gift bags for distribution on Saturday.

It's so nice to be back here with the kids. We've missed them so much, and they are as loving as ever. They are so excited about this weekend and all the toys. We pray that God will use these toys as a bridge to build relationship with them, and that they would come to know Christ as their savior and know true peace and hope.

We ask for your prayers for crossing the toys over the border, that it would go smoothly and that God would be glorified through it all. We would also ask that you pray that the Word of God would go forth boldly and be received in hearts that are softened and prepared to respond. Thank you to all of you who have been involved in this outreach in any way, and we pray that God would bless you richly.

Friday, December 07, 2007

Outreach 07-"A Festivas For The Rest Of Us"

We’ve been extremely busy planning for and collecting toys for our annual Christmas outreach at Una Esperanza. The toys donated so far this year are by far better than ever! We’ve received several backpacks filled with wonderful gifts and one person even sent us a huge box filled with Barbie’s including a few very expensive special edition Barbie’s. Many of the poor little girls of Kilometer 33 do not even attend school, but most of them are experts at appraising Barbie dolls. Thanks to you, these children are going to have a wonderful Christmas! It really makes them feel loved and special when they receive such great gifts. Thanks to all who have taken part by sending gifts this year!

Yesterday we shipped out 28 large boxes to Una Esperanza and we anticipate sending out another 15 or so on Monday morning. Our goal is to be able to distribute 300 gift bags to the children, and while we’re currently short of this goal, we have no doubt that we will end up collecting all that we need and then some. This event costs thousands of dollars to sponsor and we are currently well short of our goal. We would ask that you please prayerfully consider helping us with a tax-deductible financial gift. Your gift will enable us to share the Gospel with hundreds of children throughout this event.

We fly out to Una Esperanza this Monday afternoon and we will be there until Monday the 17th. We have about 25 people from 3 states joining us for this year's event. The outreach will be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday December 14-16th. Each day we will be providing medical clinics, crafts, food, fun and a Gospel presentation. Please keep us in your prayers and check back for updates as the week’s events unfold.