Friday, September 07, 2007

Free To Receive...

Well, we've got a prayer request to lay out before you, declaring once again our dependence on God and expecting to see His mighty hand at work in this ministry. Kingdom Flight is without the actual flight part right now. The Kingdom part will always remain. For the past nearly two years, we have been provided with the exclusive use of a Beechcraft Baron through the generosity of a gentleman donating its use for ministry purposes, but the decision was recently made to sell the plane, and so we are without a plane right now. We had known of the probability of this situation for several months, so it was no surprise when it came to pass, but it does put us in the position to see God at work in miraculous ways again.

When we began Kingdom Flight five years ago, we owned a little four-seat, single engine Cessna that was woefully undersized and underpowered for this ministry, and we felt God leading us to sell it to fund this fledgling ministry. We have never regretted that sacrifice, and God has always supplied a plane for us through the generosity of people He has raised up. We were blessed to use a Piper Warrior for several years until it was sold, and now we have been blessed to utilize this Baron as we travel back and forth to the mission field and bring assistance to people in remote areas.

We are praying that God will supply a new plane for this ministry, and we trust that He will bring it to pass. We know that this is a God-sized problem, but we also know that we have a God who loves to work in situations that only He can solve and where He will receive glory. It's been neat to see how God has not only supplied airplanes, but each one has been an "upgrade," so to speak. We know that God is not obligated to go bigger and better each time, but we also know that God gives His best to those who leave the choice up to Him, and we look to Him as our provider.

While the aircraft has never been a focus of our ministry, it is nonetheless an integral part of what we do, and this lack of aircraft could greatly limit what we are able to do as a ministry. We pray that others would not be adversely affected by this deficit right now, and we pray that God would fill this need soon.

We would ask that you would bring this request before God on our behalf as God lays it on your heart. We are encouraged by God's faithfulness and the knowledge that where God guides, He provides, and we also take courage in these words of Hudson Taylor, missionary to China in the late 1800s:

God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply.


Anonymous said...

We will definitely be praying, not only that God will supply, but that the measure of such will be that no one can deny the providence and provision of God.

Blessings, and Happy Birthday!

Anonymous said...

I like what you said about not having the Flight right now, but still having the Kingdom part. So true! To that I would add: There is no Kingdom without the King. Thanks for the inspiring messages that point us to the King, no matter what things look like at the moment.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Perhaps it is God's Desire that Brad sits next to me in Coach Class?

Dog The Kingdom Flight Bounty Hunter said...


If you remember from previous posts, you stink. So why would God want me to sit next to you? He only wants the best for His children. Not only that, I check your blog regularly and I happen to know that now you stink like fish. If you didn’t stink, maybe I would sit next to you in coach. As long as you would agree to transport a few hundred pounds of beans and rice, soccer balls, shoes, clothing, toys and other stuff for the children in your lap.