Friday, December 07, 2007

Outreach 07-"A Festivas For The Rest Of Us"

We’ve been extremely busy planning for and collecting toys for our annual Christmas outreach at Una Esperanza. The toys donated so far this year are by far better than ever! We’ve received several backpacks filled with wonderful gifts and one person even sent us a huge box filled with Barbie’s including a few very expensive special edition Barbie’s. Many of the poor little girls of Kilometer 33 do not even attend school, but most of them are experts at appraising Barbie dolls. Thanks to you, these children are going to have a wonderful Christmas! It really makes them feel loved and special when they receive such great gifts. Thanks to all who have taken part by sending gifts this year!

Yesterday we shipped out 28 large boxes to Una Esperanza and we anticipate sending out another 15 or so on Monday morning. Our goal is to be able to distribute 300 gift bags to the children, and while we’re currently short of this goal, we have no doubt that we will end up collecting all that we need and then some. This event costs thousands of dollars to sponsor and we are currently well short of our goal. We would ask that you please prayerfully consider helping us with a tax-deductible financial gift. Your gift will enable us to share the Gospel with hundreds of children throughout this event.

We fly out to Una Esperanza this Monday afternoon and we will be there until Monday the 17th. We have about 25 people from 3 states joining us for this year's event. The outreach will be held Friday, Saturday, and Sunday December 14-16th. Each day we will be providing medical clinics, crafts, food, fun and a Gospel presentation. Please keep us in your prayers and check back for updates as the week’s events unfold.

1 comment:

Traci T. said...

Sorry to miss it this year. Tell everyone I said "Hola!" I know God will provide the rest for the kids.