Thursday, March 20, 2008

She's Back!

(Lesli here...)What an awesome day this has been. We've had a great week with the Navigators group from Iowa State. They were such a blessing to us and to our kids. More about that in a moment.

When we arrived at the ministry center this morning, we were greeted by a familiar face - Mariquita (Alicia) arrived back at Kilometer 33 last night and we were so thrilled to see her beautiful smile and give her lots of hugs. It truly felt like that blessing was more than we could even imagine to top off this week. It felt like God was giving us an extra special gift to have her back.

As I mentioned in the beginning, we've had a marvelous time with these young men and women from Iowa State. We were blessed in so many ways by them as they served and loved on our kids. We've never had our kids so impacted by people that have come to Una Esperanza. They were truly examples of servant leadership and were such amazing examples of Christ's love, and we're confident that the investment they made this week will have wonderful eternal results.

We are so grateful for their willingness to serve in any way that was needed - they renovated our playground set using their engineering and ingenuity skills, they painted the interior of our ministry center with a wonderful new mural, they told Bible stories and acted out skits that wonderfully engaged the kids, they gave countless "caballo" rides on their backs, they led the kids in music and worship, helped the kids with crafts, and just loved the kids in any every way they could.

Please keep them in your prayers as they will be driving back the 20-something hours to Iowa in the next two days. We thank God for bringing them into our lives and to the children of Una Esperanza. Brian, thanks so much for listening to the prompting of the Holy Spirit and bringing your crew to Juarez. God bless you guys and we love you all!

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