Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Calling All Prayer Warriors...

We'll be heading down to Una Esperanza Juarez this coming Sunday, 8/24, and we would love to have your prayer covering.  Juarez has become a very dangerous city, in that there have been roughly 800 murders since January of this year, and some of them have been in close proximity to our shelter.  This is primarily a war between drug cartel lords and the government, but theses killings and the accompanying tensions are taking a toll on the entire country (over 2000 killed nation-wide in this battle), as many innocent bystanders have been killed or injured, including many children.  It seems to us that the entire country is under a cloud of spiritual darkness, and the eye of the storm is over Juarez itself.

We believe that there is truly war in the heavenlies underway for this area, and along with the fear and malice in the air, there is also a sense of spiritual oppression and deception that has been poking up its head and messing with believers that are not well-grounded in their faith.  As a result of this, we'll be dealing with some serious staff issues while on this trip and we're praying to speak both truth and love into these lives.  We pray that God's truth will expose the lies of the enemies and that hearts will soften to follow Christ rather than to exert self-promotion.

For months, God has been impressing II Chronicles 20 on my spirit - a situation where there was no earthly way that God's chosen people would prevail, but God gave them specific instruction to stand firm, praise God, and watch Him fight the battle for them.  I encourage you to read the chapter and be amazed at what God can do.  We have been waging this war through prayer for many months, but we feel God leading us to address it in person at this time, so we head out Sunday.  We are scheduled to be there until Saturday, 8/30. 

We know that we are heading into a battle zone that is largely under the control of the enemy right now, but we have peace because we know that God will go before us and that the battle is truly His, not ours.  We would ask for your prayers for wisdom, protection, discernment, clear communication between different languages, and a break-through that would glorify God and lift up His name in that region.  We know that the eternal lives of the children of Kilometer 33 and of Una Esperanza specifically are the treasures at stake, and they are worth the struggles.  The enemy would love nothing more than to destroy the ministry of Kingdom Flight and Una Esperanza, but we are in God's hand, and He will make the determination of what is accomplished through this ministry, not the enemy.  

We look forward to being able to share the news of victory and seeing God's hand at work with you in the near future.

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