Saturday, August 18, 2007

Brad and Lesli and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week...

Anybody remember this book from their childhood? Substitute the word "day" for "week," and that's pretty much been our week. We returned from Una Esperanza yesterday afternoon, and I must say, it was one of our toughest trips ever.

Caution - this is not a post for those who believe Christians are supposed to have it all together and never have a bad day. WE ARE NOT PERFECT AND NEVER WILL BE PERFECT OR PRETEND TO BE SO. I think I still have grit in my mouth from being knocked down in the dirt. It's been hard to get up out of the dirt for the last few days. I feel like I'm only struggling to my knees in faith today.

We are under attack from every side. The Tarahumara seem to be upset with us for rescuing Mariquita and say we have overstepped our boundaries. Others are upset that we have chosen to close the ministry center to the public during certain hours in order to maintain a safe home for the children living there right now and provide a home atmosphere. Some are jealous that their children are not living at the ministry center and are trying to cause trouble. There are border problems that are now forcing us to wait two hours each day to get back and forth across the border. School starts for the girls next week, and the expenses far outweigh our current resources. I lost my Bible. There are other attacks that I can't even mention right now, and this all came to a climax on Thursday, which happened to be our 11th anniversary. I know I'm whining. It's just exhausting sometimes to try to help people, and no one even says thank you as you give and give, and then get knocked down. It sobers me to know that this is how I must treat God sometimes, forgetting to thank Him and just looking at my own "rights."

When we left Una Esperanza the other day, Chelo said one word that pretty much sums it all up - "Guerra" - war. It is warfare, and we recognize it as such, but that doesn't make it any easier to bear this week. We're not out of it yet, and it's still coming from all sides. We need some clear-cut direction from God on our next steps. We're tired and have no strength in ourselves. Prayers on our behalf would be readily appreciated...

Today, I'm deciding to go on the offensive. The enemy has declared war, and that's okay, I'll stand in the truth against his lies. He has already been defeated on the cross of Calvary, and all he can do is spread lies that don't stand up to God's truth, so I will speak truth from God's word as His sword is my offensive weapon. I will take up the shield of faith when I can't see exactly where the fiery darts are coming from. I stand in the knowledge that it is God's will to bring all to a saving knowledge of Him, even if they don't know it yet. I will stand in the knowledge that God is always good, even when I can't see His hand at work in my situation. I will praise God for His faithfulness and His sovereignty, even when my emotions would shout lies that my life is out of His control. I thank God that He has equipped us for every good work, even battling the lies and schemes of the enemy.

I've lived in fear in the past, but I refuse to live at that address anymore. I've moved, and I'm not going back to that neighborhood, even for a visit. God is faithful, and He will deliver us and He will be our defender as we humbly seek to follow Him through this valley.

The one bright, shining moment of this trip was that Noah learned to I thank God for that today.

EDIT ADD: We did have a wonderful fundraiser at the park the day before we left on this trip - I'll report on that later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Lesli and Brad,

We'll continue to pray.... and I found something you said inspiring to me, especially today
"I will stand in the knowledge that God is always good, even when I can't see His hand at work in my situation. I will praise God for His faithfulness and His sovereignty, even when my emotions would shout lies that my life is out of His control. "

I need to really remember this myself right now.... thank you for the reminder
