Friday, August 24, 2007

Truth or Consequences

I love truth. I really do. I used to live a life that was overshadowed by deception. Not so much on my own part willingly deceiving (although I'm sure I did that, too), but by believing Satan's deceptions. Even as a Christian for many years, I did not understand that Satan's primary role against believers is to be the accuser of the brothers (Rev. 12:10). He hurls lies against us and whispers them in our ears all day long, and many of us believe those lies and live in defeat - God could never use you. He's finished with you. You've blown it too much this time. He won't come through for you this time - you'll have to take care of yourself. What if God takes it all away? There's too much going on in the world for Him to care about my life.

I thank God for the day I finally got it that Satan always lies, God cannot lie, and I could discern between the two by measuring it up to the truth of God's word. I love the liberty of living in the light and in the truth. Satan's lies make us want to shrink in shame and avoid God and others. God's truth sets us free from shame.

With all that's been going on with us, while we were spiritually and physically exhausted, Satan has tried overtime to heap shame and fear upon us, but I thank God for His truth that casts out those lies. II Corinthians 10:3-5 are some of my favorite verses in the Bible:

3For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. 4The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. 5We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.

We are choosing to take every thought captive and not just let it go wild by ruminating on it. We are choosing to live in the truth of what God says about us, not what Satan would want us to believe. God is still sovereign. He is our provider. He is our defender and vindication. I thank God for the peace that comes from listening to Him and not to the accuser. He is good and faithful, and His love is overwhelming.

Okay, sermon over. I'm not a preacher, and I don't pretend to be, but I just wanted to share what God has been teaching and reminding us. Maybe you're battling Satan's lies, too. Don't believe them!

Changing horses mid-stream, we wanted to share some of the pictures from the fundraiser we enjoyed at Irvine Sports Park right before we left for Mexico a few weeks ago.

We had a great, sunny day at the park, and we met lots of people with great hearts who were interested in getting to know the ministry of Kingdom Flight and support the Casa de Una Esperanza girls home. Our friends Mary and Crystal offered to host this event and did such an amazing job of organizing the whole day and providing lots of food for everyone! We had egg races, three-legged races, water balloon tosses (which of course erupted into water balloon fights!), and my favorite was the watermelon-eating contest. I tried to represent true Southerners to the best of my ability, but I got edged out by Samantha, whose mouth I just cannot compete with!

Brad has posted a new gallery on the Kingdom Flight website, and you can also enjoy pictures on our friend Iggy's blog. We truly appreciate all who came out and supported us, and we look forward to what God will do as a result of this purpose-filled day of fun!


Anonymous said...

I would like to sing a song in your next video clip

Anonymous said...

Iggy sings?

Dog The Kingdom Flight Bounty Hunter said...

The problem is that iggy thinks he can sing, but trust me, iggy can't sing!

Anonymous said...

Love the watermelon pic. Good to see you putting your true "talents" to use!