Thursday, February 28, 2008

One Week To Go...

Well, things are coming together for the store at Una Esperanza. The above picture shows progress that's been made in the last few weeks - the exterior is being covered with stucco and will soon be painted to match our ministry center, and we have roll-up security doors to cover the doors and windows (which we learned the hard way are a necessity in Mexico...).

Texas State SIFE (Students In Free Enterprise) has been working with us on this project and has so generously given so much to make this project a reality. It's so encouraging to interact with people who seek to help out in Kilometer 33, among the people of Una Esperanza, and in such a tangible way. It is our prayer that this store and the financial proceeds that it brings will help the people of Una Esperanza and also help to fund the ministry center in some way. We have also been brought into relationship (through SIFE) with a ministry in New Mexico that would like to be an ongoing help in supplying food for our feeding program in the future, so we definitely thank God for His divine appointments.

The grand opening of the store is scheduled for next Friday, March 7th, and we are so excited about this. We want to give God thanks publicly for all that He has brought to pass in this project and to dedicate it to His glory, and we would ask you to pray that God would supply the finances for us to go out to Una Esperanza and be part of this celebration. With all the struggles and battles of the past season, we just want to rejoice in what God has done.

Also along that line, we thank God that we were able to have a feeding for some of the children yesterday. It's been a tough few weeks when we haven't had the finances to feed our kids, and we praise God that we could do it yesterday.

We so appreciate the prayers and encouragement we have received from so many people who are standing with us in this season of challenge. We know that God is good and faithful, and we praise Him for bringing people into our lives that are truly people of faith and are led by the Holy Spirit. Please continue to pray for us as and when God leads you to do so.

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