Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Still Standing

God's Word Promises Peace Amidst The Storms Of Life.

Last summer, Lesli had the idea of posting this blog as a way of communicating what God is doing through the ministry. I agreed and one of our very first posts was on the successful Mariquita rescue last July. We literally had hundreds of people following this story as it unfolded, and the prayers of many were felt during the rescue. However, sharing the trials and difficulties we encounter are not naturally reported with the same enthusiasm as praises. But if we truly believe that God is in control, shouldn’t we be able to report them this way?

Over the past several months, God has been teaching us to be content in all situations, and believe it or not, this means contentment even during the difficult times. God’s Word says that we have the ability through His strength to be content in all situations. If His Word says that I can have this contentment, I’m going to do my best to achieve it!

Over the past six months, we lost our only Kingdom Flight aircraft, financial giving has been way down, and because of this we’ve had to limit our visits to Una Esperanza. As a result, the ministry to the Tarahumara in general has suffered setbacks. The ministry center remains closed for the second week in a row due to the continued lack of funds. To add to all of this, we’ve encountered intense spiritual warfare on every front during these difficult times!

Una Esperanza June 2005

Una Esperanza Today

I can honestly say that in spite of our current circumstances, God has given us a wonderful peace and contentment through all of this! God has used these trials to deepen our relationship and dependence on Him. I used to do well to devote fifteen minutes a day in dedicated prayer. Yes, I prayed often during the day, but the recent trials placed on my heart the need to spend much more time in prayer without distractions. Each day I now climb a hill behind our house and pray for at least an hour and most often find myself praying for much longer. God has used these difficult times to confirm our calling, give direction, and strengthen our marriage. We’ve even had the time to intensify our study of Spanish so that we can communicate more effectively when we are able to finally get back to ministering in Mexico.

I’ve learned that His yoke is indeed easy and that I do not have to carry the burdens He never intended for me to carry! Sometimes we just have to be patient, wait expectantly, and trust Him. God is good and He is trustworthy!

Note: We believe that God may be about to provide us with yet another aircraft for the ministry soon. We would humbly ask that you keep this in your prayers, as this is a vital tool for helping us reach the lost and “the least of these” in remote areas.

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