Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The Una Esperanza O.C. Kids

In the summer of 2006, I was asked to lead a group of children in our hometown during a church-sponsored Vacation Bible School (VBS). I must say that I really wasn’t all that interested at the time. I already had the physical and spiritual needs of some 150 neglected Indian children in Mexico to keep me busy, and I wasn’t really looking forward to working with the often over-indulged children of South Orange County California. However, I strongly felt that God was calling me to take on this group of children, so I carved out the time.

It turned out that the group of children that I was assigned was the only group of Latino children attending the event, out of some 700 children. Working with these kids was such a wonderful blessing that we established a local ministry (The Una Esperanza O.C. Kids) for these same children. Ministering to these children is a bit different than ministering to the neglected and often abused Tarahumara children of Mexico. Physical poverty is not really the issue for these children, but it soon became clear to us that the spiritual needs were much the same.

This local ministry has since become an integral and rewarding part of the Kingdom Flight ministry, and we’ve seen incredible spiritual growth in several of these children. The Una Esperanza O.C. Kids accompany us to church, we’ve held our own beach Bible studies and VBS events, and when we’re not out spending time with these kids in our local area, they’re often hanging out with us at our home.

I just finished a short video highlighting the Una Esperanza O.C. Kids, which can be accessed from our home page. We’d greatly appreciate your prayers for this local ministry as well as your continued prayers for the children of our Una Esperanza-Juarez ministry center.

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